How to tell if you are dating an Escort

How to tell if you are dating an Escort

Many times  a man has dated a lady with very questionable traits. You could be in a relationship with a lady yet your gut tells you something is not right, you cannot quiet put a finger on it but you very well feel that not all is well. You try to talk about the nitty gritty details but you do not know what is ailing your relationship. Then one day it dawns on you. “ is my girlfriend an escort ?”  here are 7 things to show you that you just might be dating an escort.

2 or more Phones

If if are dating a person, then openness is one of the key elements that run the relationship. However, if your woman has two or more phones and one of those phones is always inaccessible to you then you might be dating an Escort. Worse still, if that particular phone never rings when you are around then its likely that she turns the airplane mode on when you are around to avoid clients from calling her when you are around

Disappearing act

If your lady has a habit of going missing for long period s with so much as an explanation then you have to think twice. You could be seated together and then she comes up with a reason why she has to go meet a relative or a friend. This  behaviour is okay as long as its not frequent, but if you have noticed a building pattern, then you are in trouble. The lady is most likely making excuses to go out meet clients.

Known by Many Different names

If your lady is always called by different names by the different people you meet then this may be a sign that she is selling. This is because escorts use different names on different websites, so depending on where the client picks her, each person knows her by a differentt name.

Mood swings

It is nothing but human to change moods, however , unless you are dating a teenager, your woman’s mood swings should not be frequent and extreme. Mostly , the escort industry will make a lady be mentally fatigued a lot of times, this makes them a lot of times want to revert to loneliness. If you notice that your woman a lot of times prefers to have “me time” for no reason, then this could be her job taking a toll on her.


This is a very grey area but is nonetheless something you can look out for. If your woman has a particular way of dressing  that is always sexy, trashy and provocative when going out or clubbing then it may be time to dig deeper. This is because clients love stylish but exposing outfits that give them a glimpse of what they are likely to get.


Sometimes you have a chat and your lady gives you a detailed tour of high end restaurants and hotels that she has visited and you can tell that all this did not happen when you are together. This is a huge red flag. These are the places she might be meeting her clients but cannot reveal to you but once in a while in a conversation she finds herself accidentally confessing to having been to a high end hotel or lounge. She may know all the cuisines served in these places but you have never been there and you cant tell quiet how she knows this.

Her Looks are Very important to her

Looking good is important to all of us, staying young and healthy is something we will all try to do. Not withstanding, if you see that your woman is pushing extremely a lot of effort into looking young  then be suspicious. Men like younger women , so this means that she will always do all things possible to keep looking beautiful and below her actual age. Cosmetics and make up will be her best friend because she is desperately trying to fight the natural ageing process. She will also be the owner of a huge collection of lingerie you have ever known.

Extremely materialistic & Money minded

If your lady Despises Poverty with a passion and is very much attracted to shinny materialistic things then you are in trouble. The Escort mindset is one that is always geared towards material things and money despite the social cost or even the optics. For example she will not mind comparing you to your richer friends because she imagines the lifestyle she can get from them.

Most of the behaviours  of an escort when you are dating her will be hidden but not for long, she will always give herself away and you will notice if only you are looking and are keen enough to see. Most men will see the red flags and dismiss them as anomaly’s but if you add 1=1 you will always see the bigger picture.

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